Bible Verse of the Day

Monday, January 07, 2008

Now there's creativity

Last week I got a belated Christmas gift from friends--a nice shiny big new slow cooker! (I've had to rearrange a cupboard to fit the thing in, and I now have no place for my herbal teas--oh well!) DS5 appropriated the pieces of foam which surrounded the cooker in its box. Two of the pieces were semi-circular cut-outs. I heard him in his room banging away with hammer and nails and when he emerged, he carried a new doorway for himself! He had managed to nail (how do you nail styrofoam????) the semi-circle to two straight pieces of foam and make himself an arched entrance. Of course, it's DS5 size, so only he can use it, and then only by crawling. He'd even written "DS5's bedroom" on it, so we're sure to not confuse his room with one of ours ;-) I really must photograph it and post it here--it cracks me up every time he scoots thru to get inot his room!


~Mary~ 4boys4me said...

What a cutie! What happens when he outgrows the doorway? ;)
Congrats on the slow cooker! I love mine.

vegiemama said...

He crawls thru anyway so it's already small ;-) I pick it up and move it when I want in the room, LOL.

~ej said...

lol, good for him, sounds really cool!! :)