Bible Verse of the Day

Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Foodblog Fun

Sometimes a momma just has to escape the house to get a good meal. OK, that would soooooooo not be the case at my house...but I did make some "just for me to enjoy" food for my work weekend. First was Warm "Chick'n" Salad, which I served over freshly cooked brown rice. I have enough for another meal yet this weekend :-)

Since I *heart* Hungry Girl, and since someone gave me...for free...a nice butternut squash yesterday, I had to assuage my craving for Bake-Tastic Butternut Squash Fries. I peeled and sliced the squash at home and brought it to work so I wouldn't have to share ;-) Since I don't have convenient oven access at work, I modified the recipe slightly. I cooked the squash in the microwave until it was just tender, and then sauted it on the stovetop in a very small amount of olive oil to brown it. Delicious, and I have enough for two more batches :-)

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