Bible Verse of the Day

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Amazing Hiccup Cure

Believe it or not, there's a cure for hiccups, and you probably have it right in your kitchen. Eat a spoonful of peanut butter. Amazingly, that's all there is to it! Both of my kids have tried it, and it works instantly. It's pretty funny, when they start hiccing away, to see them run to the kitchen and rummage in the drawer for a spoon so they can dive into the peanut butter bowl ;-)


Luke Holzmann said...

I'll have to try that one [smile].


Laura K. said...

Interesting! My dad always swore by this one (and it's always worked for us): drink a glass of cold water while plugging your nose and ears. If nothing else, it provides entertainment for anyone watching! ;P