Bible Verse of the Day

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Awed by the presence of God

I blogged recently about dd9's increasing prayer life and how much I'm enjoying that side of her, and of our relationship together. Well today I was in the hallway and she came to the door of her bedroom with a dazed look on her face. I had to speak sharply to her a couple of times before she even responded to me. She had been sitting in her new Ekorre swing, doing her schoolwork. Her Bible assignment included prayer to God, asking for guidance and direction in planning for her future. She said that when she was praying, she really felt His presence in the room close to her. She was so awed to have felt that, she was almost in tears--and so was I. I hugged her and told her how proud of her I am, and that she's been reaching out in prayer and study to God and that is when you feel close to Him and can sense his presence. I hope she keeps it up!


Paper Dali said...

What a gorgeous entry about the power of prayer. And how wonderful that your child got to experience the sweetness of prayer. Those times don't always happen, but when they do, they are such breath-taking experiences. Thank you for the reminder to pray, pray, pray unceasingly.

Anonymous said...

That is just awesome!! I know exactly how she feels, but I don't know of anyone who experienced that at such a young age. What a powerful entry!