Bible Verse of the Day

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ta Da, I did accomplish something today!

First of all, I slept. Really awesomely well, especially compared with the past 3 days. Serious sleep deprivation on top of serious PMS is not a combo I recommend at all, LOL. I slept so well that it took a bang of the door to wake me up, and then I had to get up and make sure dh hadn't gone and done something like take the kids to town, when I needed them home for school. Whew, he hadn't--in fact, he stayed in his PJs and bathrobe ALL day long. Ewwwww, yuck, disgusting! So anyway, back to me, because we don't want to go where that was leading! So I got up and showered (notice who DIDN'T????) and then we actually got all of school done. Considering that there was a LOT of reading, that was a miracle! DD10 even discovered that if she had her notebook open as I was reading to her from the World Book, that she could answer some questions as we went, instead of having to go back and find the answers again. I like that approach--I hope she'll do it a lot more often! After school, we had homemade mac 'n cheese with vegies for supper (or is that DINNER, Faithful Alligator?) accompanied by homemade multi-grain bread and peanut butter. I finally found a bread recipe my family likes, and leaving it out of the frig means it stays soft. Now to keep it from going moldy! So anyway, I post this to show that a motivated woman can accomplish a WHOLE lot more in just 4-1/2 hrs than a man in a bathrobe in PJs manages to accomplish in a whole day ;-) OK, to his credit, he did play Monopoly JR with ds5, and watched a movie with both kids!

1 comment:

~ej said...

lol, man in a bathrobe!! ;)
ime, as a whole, women can accomplish much more at home in their bathrobe than any man can in his....
but i just came off of that kinda weekend (showered and dressed tho)....