Bible Verse of the Day
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I'm not sure why my kids have to grow up so fast!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
"12 Blogs of Christmas" Contest
1.How many children do you have / homeschool? 2
2. How long have you been homeschooling? I've homeschooled my kids since birth (so that makes it 10 years) plus I was homeschooled grades 9-12, so really I've been homeschooling since I was 16 because I planned this for a long time!
3. Have they always been homeschooled, or did they ever go to public/private school? Always been homeschooled.
4. Do you plan on homeschooling until graduation? God willing, yes
5.Do you belong to a co-op? Yes, we participate in a middle school service co-op. Each month, 5th-8th graders (and their families) choose a project to do together. So far this year we've sorted winter clothing for a charity clothing give-away, cleaned up a local park, and sang Christmas carols at the Veterans Hospital.
6. Do you school all year long, or use some other schedule? We school year-round.
7. Do you use textbooks only, or do you like to supplement with other materials? We try to avoid textbooks, choosing instead to use living books with a few workbooks and fun materials.
8. Are field trips included in your school plans, or are they just family time? Usually they're just family time, although early next year our local museum will have SEVERAL exhibits that all seem to tie in with this year's learning, so if we call visits to the museum "field trips" they'll tie in nicely to our school plans ;-)
9. Do you and your kids do crafty stuff together for school time? My kids like to do craft projects while I read to them, so other than providing assistance where needed, I'm not usually directly involved in their endeavors.
10. Would you consider everyday household life stuff ‘home ec’? Most definitely!
11. Do you have any advice for new homeschoolers? Homeschooling is a way of life. It will permeate your family and everything you do. That's a good thing! The longer you homeschool, the better you'll get to know your kids, and the better they'll get to know each other as well. Don't panic if things don't go as you'd dreamed they would initially. Kids need time to destress if they've previously attended school. You need time to discover their learning styles and how best to help them learn. You may need to make changes in the materials you use. What you thought would be the ideal curriculum may end up being a bad fit for your kids. Don't be afraid to change!
12. Do you have advice for homeschoolers with little ones under foot? Little people are going to think they need to be involved, so you need to have a plan! First of all, take advantage of nap times to give your older homeschoolers individual attention. If nap time doesn't work, have some special activities for your little ones to use during school. Make simple worksheets for them if they want to "do school" like their older siblings. Have one older sibling amuse the little one while you work with another. Don't be afraid to use videos for entertainment once in a while, either. And on the worst of days, remember--they'll grow up and not be underfoot, and you'll miss those days like crazy!
Monday, December 17, 2007
The ponderings of a 5 y/o's mind...
Yesterday we attended the local theatre group's performance of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown." Love this show, btw--why haven't I seen it before???? Anyway, ds5 wanted the cast autographs, but he was worried that if they were written in cursive, he wouldn't be able to read the names, so he wanted to ask if they would print their names. I persuaded him to forgo that plan! Fast forward to after the show--he gets his autographs and then inquired of me why "Linus" printed his name instead of writing it in cursive. I pointed out that Linus is really a little boy, and he probably didn't know how to do cursive yet, to which ds5 replied "Mommy, I know he's at least a teenager--he's a big boy!" ROFL, you just can't win, can you? (He also had difficulty figuring out why Linus was taller than Lucy but he was the "little" brother ;-)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Missing my sister
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Virtual Cookie Decorating
(Oh, and for every cookie you create, a $0.10 donation is made to Toys for Tots. It's definitely a win-win :-)
Holiday Music
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Another December Goodie...
Awesomely Cool Website!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Police Officer's Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the streets,
not a person was stirring, 'cept an officer on the beat.
As he quietly patrolled the town with great care,
children and parents slept peacefully there.
The officer was clad in his blues and his vest,
gun on his hip, always looking his best.
He'd just pulled aside for a quick bite to eat,
When all of a sudden, out on the street,
A bright light appeared from out of nowhere,
He shielded his eyes from the brilliant glare.
'Twas an angel of the Lord at the squad's rear,
He smiled and spoke, "Dear Officer, don't fear."
"I've been sent by God with a message for you
who faithfully serve while wearing the blue.
He wants you to know He loves you all,
He's pleased with the way you've answered His call.
"To protect and serve others, so selfless you've been,
Your bravery and kindness have known no end.
Even in tragedy, when nights became long,
You've helped countless strangers by being strong."
God sees your heart, the joy and the pain,
He knows the profession can often bring strain.
So he sent me here to let you know,
That as you patrol, He goes where you go."
As you protect others, your Father protects you,
His angels go with you, His Spirit does, too.
No bullet too fast, no bad guy too strong,
I'm sent to make sure that your life will be long.
"So fear not the night, and fear not the day,
fear not the threats that might come your way.
I'm sent to accompany you on your beat,
There's not one moment you're alone on the street."
The officer sat stunned by the love of His God,
He bowed his head, with a tear gave a nod.
As the officer said thank you, the angel took flight,
"God's got your back, carry on, and goodnight."
It's 1 am...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Fortune Teller
Cappucino, anybody?
Here's one of my favorite recipes, concocted by a friend from church. I'm quite sure it gives WaWa's Maple French Toast cappucino a HUGE run for the money, all around!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Pocket full of Kisses
Friday, November 16, 2007
Choose an answer to each category. It must begin with the first letter of your name
1. Your name: Sue
2. Famous singer/band: The King's Singers
3. Street name: Schade West
4. Color: Sky blue
5. Gifts/presents: skates
6. Vehicle: station wagon
7. in a souvenir shop: settee
8. Boy Name: Seth
9. Girl Name: Sylvia
10. Movie Title: Somewhere in time
11. Drink: soda
12. Occupation: sociologist, speech pathologist
13. Flower: sweet pea
14. Celebrity: Sidney Poitier
15. Magazine: Sports Illustrated
16. U.S. City: Sanford, MI
17. Pro Sports: Seahawks
18.Fruit/Vegetable: strawberries/sugar
19.Reason late for work: someone forgot to set the alarm!
20. you throw away: shoes
21. Things you shout: somebody please help me!
22. Cartoon character: Superman
More vegetarian Thanksgiving stuff!
Tofurkey vs Unturkey comparison of several commercially available mock turkey products.
Vegetarian Gravy Recipes
More Vegetarian Gravy Recipes
Turkey Add-ons Ideas for spicing up a faux turkey
Tofurky Recipes
Vegetarian and Vegan Thanksgiving recipes, from main dish to dessert. Includes several stuffing recipes.
Pie Crust recipes, including vegan and gluten-free recipes.
Tips for enjoying a low-fat Thanksgiving (just disregard the first bit, about the turkey ;-)
Hungry Girl's Too-Good-To-Deny pumpkin pie (have I mentioned how much I heart Hungry Girl?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Guess what we saw!!!
Oh, and did it hurt itself when it hit our window? Not too badly, I'm guessing! It flew across the yard and landed on my parents' porch roof, where it sat for a minute, then it flew back toward our house. I thought it was going to give that window a second try, but it veered at the last second and flew on past the house.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Class Privileges meme
Speakinglife found it on the Friendly Mama blog. Anyone who wishes to participate is encouraged to do so. Just leave a comment on the Social Class and Quakers blog and include an acknowledgment that the meme is based on an exercise developed by Will Barratt, Meagan Cahill, Angie Carlen, Minnette Huck, Drew Lurker, Stacy Ploskonka at Illinois State University
I've bolded the statements that are true for me.
Father went to college Yes
Father finished college Yes, and graduate school
Mother went to college Yes
Mother finished college Yes, and graduate school
Have any relative who is an attorney, physician, or professor Distant cousin is a doctor, also a cousin who is an attorney but he somehow became higher and mightier than the rest of the family so I haven't had contact with him in years :-(
Were the same or higher class than your high school teachers Well, duh, I was homeschooled so we were definitely all the same class ;-)
Had more than 50 books in your childhood home Yes
Had more than 500 books in your childhood home Ummmm, maybe--I never counted them!
Were read children's books by a parent Definitely
Had lessons of any kind before you turned 18 Yes
Had more than two kinds of lessons before you turned 18 Violin, piano, and cello
The people in the media who dress and talk like me are portrayed positively And who exactly would these people be????
Had a credit card with your name on it before you turned 18 Yes
Your parents (or a trust) paid for the majority of your college costs No, I paid for the classes I took myself
Your parents (or a trust) paid for all of your college costs I only have a few college credits--I never attended full-time
Went to a private high school Yes, exclusive! I was homeschooled :-)
Went to summer camp Twice. I think it's overrated!
Had a private tutor before you turned 18 Yes, but only because my state forced us to because we were homeschooling. Thank goodness THAT law got overturned and the homeschool laws became MUCH more friendly!
Family vacations involved staying at hotels Only rarely--we usually camped or stayed with relatives
Your clothing was all bought new before you turned 18 Yes
Your parents bought you a car that was not a hand-me-down from them No, I bought my own car
There was original art in your house when you were a child Yes--my grandmother is a watercolor artist and also did ceramics for a while, and my father dabbled in artistic photography and printing and framing his own pictures. We never had art that we bought, tho!
Had a phone in your room before you turned 18 Nope
You and your family lived in a single family house Yes
Your parent(s) owned their own house or apartment before you left home Yes
You had your own room as a child Yes, but not by choice. My sister passed away at the age of three weeks. If she had lived, we would have continued to share our bedroom. I could have had the option of a room in the basement but I never chose to go there. I might have if I'd had to share tho, LOL.
Participated in an SAT/ACT prep course No
Had your own TV in your room in High School No--we didn't even have a TV in the house at all
Owned a mutual fund or IRA in High School or College No
Flew anywhere on a commercial airline before you turned 16 Yes, several times
Went on a cruise with your family No
Went on more than one cruise with your family
Your parents took you to museums and art galleries as you grew up Yes, at least occasionally
You were unaware of how much heating bills were for your family I don't recall ever knowing.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Scribblings from a 5 year old
My mom handed me a piece of handwriting paper tonight with his squiggles to decipher. He'd written:
Each word was followed by a check mark. I'm informed that it was his itinerary for an imaginary cruise he was on, hee hee. She said he spelled it all himself, except for needing help with the Y in New York. Funny thing is, this is the exact order of the states thru which we travel when going to visit relatives! Except we do it in a van, not in a cruise ship, ROFL ;-)
Today, he wanted an email, so I quick sent him a little note so there'd be something in his inbox. This was his reply to me. It took him a good 1/2 hr to type it but he stuck with it, bless his heart, LOL. He was so funny--he'd come running and want to know if the "k" sound was a "c" or a "k" but he wouldn't tell me what word it was to be in--or he'd want to know what letter makes the "ng" sound, etc. I was just afraid he was going to hit the wrong button and end up closing it before he sent it, after all that hard work. Whew!!!
"mom i luv you yoo r the best mom evr i hop th et y oo r god i hop th et yr brth day iz grat [types his name at this point] hal a muce dans h er ez a nutr wun hal can jup 100000000000 fet hal can a mukey jup on ho ez hed hoo hoohoho hoo hooho ho hoo hoo ho ho wutu mup i am hoo hooho ho her iz a fact uv a mukey cen a mokey th et bnan uz end hang on bran chiz
hoo hooho ho"
Now for the interpretation, hee hee ;-)
Mom, I love you. You are the best mom ever. I hope that you are good. I hope that your birthday is great [mind you, it's two weeks away ;-)]
How a monkey dance here easy a nature one [huh, lost in the interpretation--he couldn't even remember what he typed to help me out, ROFL] He can jump 100000000000 feet. How can a monkey jump on his head ooo ooo aaah aah ooo ooo aah ahh. What am up. I am hoo hoo haa haa. Here is a fact of a monkey, can a monkey eat bananas and hang on branches. Ooo ooo aah aah.
What a crack-up. In fact, he IS a little monkey at times. The sweetest little monkey I know. I love him to bits and relish every baby snuggle I get from him because I know all too soon, he won't be my little guy anymore, nor will he think snuggling with mom is the best thing to do in the whole wide world.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Cool end to the battle of the mismatched socks!

According to the site, Little Missmatched, these are the perfect foil to the sock-eating dryer. They're sold in sets of three, and none of them quite match anyway, so who cares if the dryer eats one???? ROFL, I could get lost on this site!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
So, what DOES a vegetarian eat for Thanksgiving?
who roam thru our neighborhood (ok, this isn't all of them!) are safe for another year. Aren't they lucky, LOL? So, since a dead cooked bird is never the centerpiece of our holiday table, how will we keep from starving, you ask? Here are a few interesting sites/recipes for your perusal.,,blhr-5,00.html
If your traditional Thanksgiving feast will be attended by one or more vegetarian guests, the following article may be helpful:
Hmmmm, I'm hungry! Think I'll go cook me a feast ;-)
Monday, November 05, 2007
Answered Prayer
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Tweaking the curriculum
Well, we're making a curriculum change. A slight one--not the whole thing, LOL. In fact, I mis-stated it to DD10 and she thought I meant we were going to change to something other than Sonlight--talk about a panicked look on her face. It was tooooo funny! The change will be in writing. The new Sonlight LA is great--it's just not at the right pace for us. So we will keep what we like of it (they have good ideas for brainstorming and visuals, we may do the research paper steps but slowed down to our own pace, and their day 5 optional activities are usually pretty fun) but for creative writing, we need something that won't make us forever feel "behind." We couldn't decide which we liked better, so I ordered both Wordsmith Apprentice and Apologia's new Jump In writing curriculum. I figure we'll intersperse the two and make it fun. DD10 was totally on board with that plan. I just want her to enjoy writing, somewhere, somehow. I hardly recall writing at all when I was in school. I know I was not exposed to the different types of writing at all. I remember doing reports and a few book reports, and that's about it. I know I wrote letters to my grandparents and a few friends, but my parents "made" me do that ;-) I had a hard time writing when I hit high school age--I just hadn't had the instruction. I don't want it to be that way for DD10!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Scrap layout I did yesterday

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Krazy Kat
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
A mom's peaceful morning
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I'm tagging myself!
1. Your rock star name: (first pet, current car) - Ami Uplander (huh, that'd draw the crowds!)
2. Your gangster name: (favorite ice cream, favorite cookie) - Mackinaw Island Fudge Oatmeal (whaaaaat? That's about like Bozo, rofl!)
3. Your fly guy/girl name: (first initial first name, first 3 letters last name) - smer
4. Your detective name: (favorite color, favorite animal) - red giraffe
5. Your soap opera name: (middle name, birth city) - Marie Midland
6. Your Star Wars name (first three letter last name, first 2 letter of first name) - MerSu
7. Superhero Name: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink and add "the") - The Pink Root Beer (??????????)
8.Nascar name (first names of your grandfathers) - Robert Harold, or Harold Robert, if you like that better ;-)
9. Stripper Name: (favorite perfume, favorite candy) - Vanilla Musketeer
10. Witness Protection Name: (mother's and father's middle name) Elizabeth Glenn
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Plans awry
- Wake up around 2 pm (I worked last night)
- Shower and have a light snack
- Get together items needed for Adventurer Club Monday, so I don't forget anything!
- Do school with dd10 (and actually FINISH!)
- Make dinner and eat with my family before going to work
Sounds nice and easy, right? But no, I got up and nobody was even home! DH needed to get a prescription filled and even tho dd10 kept telling him they needed to get going, he procrastinated and put off going. They got home about the time I was getting out of the shower. And they were hungry because it was 2 pm and they hadn't had LUNCH yet. Bye bye nice easy "mom plans!" Here's how the day actually went!
- Woke up about 12:30 and couldn't sleep anymore, argh!
- Got up about 1:20 after tossing and turning for 50 minutes
- Informed by family that they need lunch
- Got together Adventurer items, so I don't forget anything!
- Decided to make a late lunch/early dinner, so we can at least eat together!
- Cook my famous mac 'n cheese casserole and make salads and we finally sit down to eat about 3 pm
- Phone rings while we are eating, with an invitation to meet a friend from church at the nearby beach if we're available
- Throwing caution to the wind, I decide to be spontaneous and accept the invitation
- 3:30 finds us on our bikes heading to the beach
- Weather was absolutely gorgeous. Water was brrrrrrrr chilly ;-) I laid on the beach while friend played with my children. She really needs grandchildren, LOL.
- Back home about 4:45
- School started at 5 and ended at 6:30, just in time for me to leave for work
There, now didn't that just fit in there nicely???? I told my dh that if things had gone according to MY plans, we'd have been right in the middle of school and I still would have had to fix dinner, so I probably would have turned down the beach invite. As it was, I knew we'd have time to fit everything in, so it all worked out perfectly.
Lesson learned--be flexible and have fun! Should I make that my new motto?
Yummy supper
1 eggplant, peeled and sliced in 1/2" thick slices
4 oz uncooked noodles
1 6 oz can tomato paste
1 14 oz can diced tomatoes
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp dried basil
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
Cook noodles according to package directions; drain.
Place eggplant slices on a baking sheet and broil 6-7 minutes; turn and broil the other sides 6-7 minutes, until browned and tender. After the eggplant broils, turn the oven heat back to 375 degrees.
Stir the tomato paste, diced tomatoes, garlic, basil, and salt and pepper together in a bowl.
Spray an 11 x 7" baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Put 1/2 of the eggplant slices in a single layer in the pan. Top with 1/3 of the tomato sauce and cheeses. Cover with all of the cooked noodles. Top with 1/3 of the tomato sauce and cheeses. Place the remaining eggplant slices in single layer in the pan. Top with remaining tomato sauce and cheeses. Cover tightly with foil and bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
All about 5 year olds
His latest career obsession is that he wants to be an archaeologist. I suspect this may be because he's discovered there are people who get paid to dig in the dirt ;-) LOL, j/k. I'm not sure where his interest came from, but I love it, because I love ancient history and hearing how they piece together the clues to learn about earlier civilizations. We currently have a large stack of library books on archaeology that we are reading our way through.
Evidence that he listens and thinks when I'm reading. Other than the constant interruptions to ask questions or comment on something I read, LOL. I am reading Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze to my dd10. We just started it yesterday. It mentioned that (100 years ago in China) rural children didn't receive any formal education because rural boys worked alongside their fathers, learning to farm, and why waste money on educating the girls so the girls didn't get education either. My dd, of course, protested that this wasn't fair. DS5 stopped my reading so sister could "get this straight" and proceeded to enlighten her that back then, the boys had to work with their "fodders"--"boring" as he put it. I asked if he didn't think it would be interesting working with his police officer father, and he replied that that would be, but being a country boy would not be ;-) Interesting dialogue aside, I thought it interesting that he caught the subtleties of the plot and was able to distinguish between the country and city child's life.
One other "new" thing in his life--he's singing in our little church choir! Grandma, the choir director, works with him almost every day, teaching him the songs we'll be singing. He made his debut last Sabbath and he was just so cute! He really knew the song, too. It was spritely little tune and he spit out all of those words. He even did well when we sang in parts. He can't hold his own yet one-on-one (he's only 5, after all!) but in the group, he even hung in there when we split into a 4-part canon. I was amazed!
Lest it seem I only brag about my ds5, let me mention dd10. She's a sweet, sensitive, caring child. At least the past couple of weeks she has been. I'm not sure why, but she's decided that I need to be appreciated and praised and I love it! She is sincere in her compliments, and thanks me for even the little things I do. Maybe I'm being buttered up for something, but I love it. She wrote me a little "I love you, Mom" note on the top of a math page, so I replied that I love her too on the next page where she'd see it when she went to do that page. She's been offering her help in little ways, without having to be asked (at least sometimes!) She's been pleasant to talk to. Her hand is still hurting a lot and she needs help with her writing still, but she's appreciative of the extra time I spend with her. Wherever the aliens got this child, I'm thankful they brought her to my home. They can leave her there for the next, oh, 100 years or so, and I won't complain a bit ;-)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wrist update
Monday, September 17, 2007
Wounded in action--still
Monday, September 10, 2007
Homeschoolers don't need lunchbox notes!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
How to dazzle your family in the culinary department!
OK, so here is the recipe, now that I've tickled your tastebuds.
4 cups water
1 cup lentils
1-1/2 cups uncooked brown rice
1 onion, diced
1 green pepper, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
Bring to a boil in a saucepan and cook until the lentils and rice are done. Stir in:
1 6-oz can tomato paste
1 pkg taco seasoning
1 tsp chili powder
Pour into a casserole dish and back 25 minutes at 375 degrees. Remove from oven and cover the top with shredded cheddar cheese; let sit 5 minutes. Serve as a main dish, or as a yummy dip with tortilla chips.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Date with my hubby :-)
I think my dh is getting addicted to exercise--especially when he stepped on the scale and it said he'd lost a bit of weight! For some reason he'd plateaued and hadn't lost anything since we got back from vacation, but this last week he's been exercising more than he had and he's making progress! Anyway, he commented on how good the walk made him feel, and how nice it is to walk together, and how he noticed that a certain dress of mine fits better because I've been walking with him when I can.
Oh, and anyone interested in some motivation to move--check out iVillage's Walk On, Rock On to a New You: A 6-Week Walking Program for Better Health. It starts October 1st. I've already signed up, and when I mentioned it to my dh, he asked if he could do it with me. OK, first pick me up off the floor. This is NOT the man I married! He's ASKING if he can exercise? With me???? Yay, hurray, yippee-kiyee, rock on Mr. Hubby!
Your chance to contribute to research!
5 year old in 5th grade!
Anyway, in case you were worried LOL, he's just as cute and smart as ever!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
God's Beauties
So anyways, I walked around the lake on the boardwalk every single day that we were there (in addition to back and forth to the camper zillions of times a day, plus riding my bike around!) Sunday morning dh walked with me, and we were blessed with a real NATURE walk. First, we came around a bend, and there was a doe 15 feet ahead of us. We stood and watched each other, and she finally crossed over the boardwalk and into a more brushy area where she watched us slowly pass by. Guess there were some good eats and she wasn't going to leave them! Then, further down the boardwalk, we encountered a hummingbird. Now I don't know about you, but I love hummingbirds. They're just so cute and tiny and active. This one was definitely active! So active that I'm not sure she knew we were there. She was enjoying the purple thistle flowers clustered next to the boardwalk. It was neat seeing her circle each flower, then flit to the next flower and circle it. Then she found a stand of wild snapdragons. She buzzed several before she found one that was full of nectar. Then she quazi-perched on a blade of grass as she drank and drank and drank from the snapdragon flower. She finally got her fill and went up into a pine tree for a bit of a rest. We probably stood watching her for 5 minutes before we finally moved on. My dh even commented that we'd had a REAL nature walk ;-)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Today's Praise!
One other great piece of news. He had a lipid profile drawn last week, and his cholesterol dropped from over 300 when he had the heart attack, to 147 now! That's >50% in 2 months! A bit of the credit can go the medication he's on, but that would only have dropped his level 20%--the rest of the credit goes to his exercising and eating a vegetarian diet. Rock on, hubby :-0
Monday, August 06, 2007
Such a flunkie mom
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Things that don't go bump in the night
As we were heading back across the lawn to our house, the International Space Station passed right over our heads. I read on Friday that it's supposed to be visible a lot this month--that was accurate info, evidently ;-) I see that if we go out a bit after 10 tonight we should see it again, so maybe we'll give that a try. We have a lot of tall trees around our house so it has to be directly overhead for a good view. To see when it might be visible from your neck of the woods in the next couple of weeks, check the Human Space Flight Orbital Tracking page.
So, my word of advice for your Sunday is: go out after dark, you never know what you'll see ;-)
Saturday, August 04, 2007
We're home from vacation!
Here's ds5 playing Legos with Auntie (dh's younger sister, with whom we stayed)
We got to visit dh's two sons who live on the East Coast, and meet the rest of the family that we hadn't met yet. Here is oldest brother with his 3 y/o twins, and of course my kids.
One of the highlights of our trip was attending one of the last performances of Beauty and the Beast on Broadway. The show ended a week after we saw it! DS5 professed to not like the show--except of course when Gaston met his demise--but every time some techno-trick happened onstage, he was all eyes and ears and wanting to know how they did that, plus counting how many spotlights might be shining on a particular actor at a particular time, and of course, figuring out all of the colored lights! He didn't wiggle and squirm a whole lot, so I'm thinking he enjoyed it more than he let in ;-) Here are my kids and their little cousins in front of the stage door with the poster.
At the Ben Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, there were many learning experiences, including a huge model of the human heart that you could go through, a lifesaving trainer, dissections, and lots of other fun stuff. There was also an electricity exhibit with lots of self-powered generators. Here ds5 is turning one of the many cranks he turned that day, to make something light up or move! After that, is dd10 in her new job. She's been hired as a telegraph operator. Now to brush up on those Morse Code skills ;-)
The King Tut exhibit was in this same museum, but of course, you can't take any pictures there--what a shame :-( I'll have to steal my grandpa's DVD of the exhibit when I want a refresher. Suffice it to say, the exhibit is fabulous! What a wonderful collection of antiquity. The displays were labelled well, so I could explain even to a 5 y/o what most of the artifacts were. He was most interested in anything that had gold in it ;-) He also was impressed by the two oldest trumpets in the world. And, having just read the Biblical account of Moses and the 10 plagues, he liked seeing Pharoah's sword and imagining that it might have been like what the Pharoah in Moses' time also had.
We visited the ocean one sunny warm afternoon. Gorgeous day but the surf was high--probably 4-6' waves breaking at shore, and the rip tide has been dangerous all summer. SIL actually broke a bone in her foot! A wave knocked her down, and as she was trying to get up, another wave hit her and hyperextended her foot and cracked a little bone behind her 3rd toe. Ouch! So now she's in a cast and her summer in the pool isn't happening the way she intended ;-)
Another day on the water was spent visiting the Statue of Liberty. A word of warning--you can't just go to the island and go into the Lady anymore! You have to have a pass to get in to her, and that pass has to be reserved 2-10 days prior to your visit! We didn't know, so we didn't go in. Oh well, it was a nice day for a boat ride, and we had a great walk around the island.
I don't have pics of our messed up hotel reservation, but a word of warning to the wise--don't book if you're talking to an operator in a Third World country!!! I booked thru Yahoo Travel, which uses Travelocity, and they booked me into a hotel 1.5 hrs away from where I wanted to be! Needless to say, we were NOT happy campers over that screw-up. Added to that, when we got home, I discovered that they charged me for cancelling the reservation, even tho it was their mistake, so I now have to wait up to 14 days to get my money back! You wouldn't need a pic of that--just think of a teapot steaming, that would be me, LOL. And now you've been warned.
That's the nutshell version--the rest would be way too long for a blog. Maybe next time I'll blog daily, LOL.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Not officially 10, yet!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Birthday time
Her big gift is that I'm taking her to American Girl Place in NYC on her birthday! I'm so excited that I get to do this with her. She'll find out at her party, so if you hear some screeching at party time, don't worry--it's just her, LOL.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Happenings in our neck of the woods
- DS5 voluntarily read a book the other day--while walking around the library.
- He thought he had to read in order to color a baseball on his summer reading program log.
- I didn't correct his impression ;-)
- DD9 is in for a TREAT on her birthday
- She's going (with me!) to the American Girl Store in NYC
- On her birthday :-)
- Won't that be fabulous????
- DH is doing really well after his heart attack
- He walked over 3 miles yesterday!
- On purpose!
- In fact, he walked to the barbershop and the post office :-)
- I can tell that he's lost weight
- Woohoo!!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
God speaks in mysterious ways
My dh is almost 30 years older than me. He's overweight and doesn't take care of himself. Well, ok, he did quit smoking 4-1/2 years ago (yay!!!) but he rarely exercises and he is clueless about good nutrition. I've been praying for a long time that he would take better care of himself. And for a few years, as he has gotten older, I've prayed that something would wake him up but that it wouldn't be something catastrophic because I didn't think I could handle catastrophic illness. Well, God knew better. He knew my dh needed a good sharp rap upside the head. My dh had a heart attack early last Friday morning. He experienced some chest pressure/pain and numbness in his arms while on patrol, so he drove to the EMS station in his town to have them check him out. The 12-lead EKG didn't show a significant change (it was actually a very small change that the doctor picked up on in ER) but a nitro did give him some relief, and they persuaded him to go get checked out. So, I got the dreaded call at 11:30 that he was going to ER, and away I went for what I can truly say was a night, or maybe a weekend, from hell. The good news was that they gave him retavase, a clot-buster drug, in the ER and stopped his heart attack in its tracks. While he had a 90% occlusion of his Right Coronary Artery, which they opened with a stent when they did his cath, he had no tissue damage or death. Thank God for that. He spent the weekend in the hospital and came home on Sunday.
So what's so good about all of that, you ask? Well, first of all, he's alive. And second of all, he answered the wake-up call and is taking seriously the fact that he needs to make changes, and make them NOW. He was absolutely terrified that he'd never see our children again. That is the motivation he needs. He's listening to me, unlike before when I got the "yes dear" response and he kept at his old ways. And he's apologized for not listening because he's discovered that I was right all along and that I really wanted to help him change his lifestyle. Before this, he'd preach lifestyle change to other people, but not apply it to himself. Now he's saying he knows he needs to do it. He's got a 3-person cheering team right there with him all of the way.
So, this week I'm thanking God for the heart attack he gave my husband. Bizarre as that may seem, HE knew all along what he was doing. It's just up to us to follow and see where HE is leading us.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Bounty from our yard
If you don't know what a morel mushroom just haven't lived! They grow in just about every state, in the spring. They're elusive and hard to find, but oooooh so worth the time spent searching. (I saw that they're selling for $24.95 a pound this season--our dinner last night was gold-plated, LOL!)
You can see more info about morels here.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
What's spring like in your neck of the woods?
- baby squirrels basking in the sun on tree limbs
- turkey toms but no hens
- birds pairing off and even
mating activity - an explosion of bloom
- brown kids already because they've been outdoors so much
- morel mushrooms popping up in special spots in the yard
- blossoming trees...our flowering crabapple exploded into bloom and the scent is intoxicating and can be smelled all over our yard
- fresh-cut grass
- Buzzing as I stand under the flowering crabapple--the tree is FULL of bees and you can hear them buzzing loudly!
- kids playing
- lawnmowers running
- happy bird songs and mating calls
- squirrels chattering at each other as they play
- ripples in the river
Thursday, May 03, 2007
So much for having a break!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Introducing Butterscotch
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I'm So Happy...
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Birthday MeMe
1. Go to Wikipedia and type in your Birthday Month and day only November 24
2. List 3 Events that occurred that day
1859 - Charles Darwin publishes The Origin of Species
1863 - American Civil War: Battle of Lookout Mountain - Near Chattanooga, Tennessee, Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant
capture Lookout Mountain and begin to break the Confederate siege of the city led by General Braxton Bragg.
1917 - Nine police officers and one civilian are killed when the Milwaukee, WI police headquarters building explodes due to a bomb
3. List 2 important Birth days
1868 - Scott Joplin, Ragtime Composer (d. 1917) (exactly 100 years before my birth!)
1690 - Charles Theodore Pachelbel, German composer (d. 1750)
1787 - Franz Xaver Gruber, Austrian organist (d. 1863) (composed Silent Night)
4. List 1 Death
1963 - Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of John F. Kennedy (b. 1939)
5. List a Holiday or Observance. (if any)
Well of course--Thanksgiving :-) Once every 7 years or so, I'm a Turkey Baby :-)
And then, well, I just can't resist the irony--it's Teacher's Day in Turkey!
6. Tag 5 other bloggers --Consider yourself tagged if you've read this!
We're going batty!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I've got the proof!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
OK, I succumb
Will post feline pictures and updates when the grand adoption happens. I'm already, a little bit, getting anxious. I think it's going to be fun
Monday, April 09, 2007
The new kindergartner on the block!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Random musings on life and death
The 911 system springs to action
For once, early CPR and field interventions are effective
Life once again exists
Victory, but with a hollow ring
Doctor's advice is ignored
And for what?
To go back to what caused life to cease in the first place?
Such a sting, to those who should feel triumphant over a job well-done, when such triumphs are rare
Where are the thanks?
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Parental activities reflected in the children?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Jury duty
I still feel like I'll be wasting my time having to do this, tho. I've been summoned for jury duty once before (federal jury duty, even) and I was the 3rd juror dismissed, right behind two cops. I have two strikes against me...cop's wife, and EMS employee. So they could have made my life a whole lot easier by just not calling me at me the bother of showing up only to be rejected once again, LOL.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Obituary of Common Sense
Obituary of the late Mr. Common Sense
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
Knowing when to come in out of the rain; Why the early bird gets the worm; Life isn't always fair; and Maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6 -year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Calpol, sun lotion or a band-aid to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.
He is survived by his 3 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else Is To Blame, and I'm A Victim.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
A word of comfort
Monday, March 19, 2007
Savoring the scent
Reminds me of 2 Corinthians 2:15 "For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish" and Psalm 119:103 "How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" and how all throught the pentateuch, it is stated repeatedly that the sacrifices made to God had "a sweet savour." Now while I don't believe He intends us to now kill animals and burn them up in His name, I do see that the things we do to show our love for Him definitely are pleasant to Him, just as the syrup fire had a most pleasant scent that overspread the neighborhood yesterday.